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Re: how many sets

__/ [pil] on Friday 14 October 2005 21:17 \__

> I am currently doing about 6 reps on all of my exercises. I manage my
> weight so that I can do no more than 6. How many sets can I do without
> overtraining? I pushed up my sets from 3 to 5 is this ok?

I'd recommend 8-12 repetations for weight exercise, but it depends on your
goal(s), e.g. general fitness, mass, strength and so forth. Abs often make
the expception with about 20 repetitions as the norm.

You  exchange the word "rep" with "set" in your message, which is  confus-
ing.  I think you should never do 3-5 repetitions of /anything/ although I
have seen people who do a 1-rep set or 2-rep sets. Watch those future back
problems,  torn  muscles and long-standing injuries... It ain't worth  it,

Good luck,


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