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Re: Why are Palm fonts so ugly?

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>To increase font size in basic PIM
>(all of the constituent part, I presume), one can tap the menu, go to
>Options -> Font.. -> then increase it as desired. There are 4 fonts
>available in 'out of the box' Palm OS 4.

I agree with the OP that the large system bold font is ugly (technical term) .
My *guess* is that this is a low resolution font that was resized for the high
resolution screens. This font looks just fine on low resolution screens (IIIxe,
m125, Z22) but choppy on high resolution screens (TungE, Z71, Z72). Since I
generally use the small fonts this has not been a problem for me and I've never
tried to find a solution, but the OP definitely has a valid complaint...

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