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Re: [News] [Op-Ed] Microsoft Wants to Own Everything, Even GNU/Linux

__/ [ Maverick ] on Sunday 24 December 2006 00:04 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Maverick ] on Saturday 23 December 2006 06:34 \__
>>>Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>__/ [ Maverick ] on Friday 22 December 2006 23:58 \__
>>>>>Aunty Diluvian wrote:
>>>>>>On Fri, 22 Dec 2006 16:16:26 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
>>>>>><newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>>>Linux Belongs To Microsoft!
>>>>>>>,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>>>| The crux of the matter is: Microsoft not only feels but also
>>>>>>>| claims intellectual rights on open source. And the only languaget
>>>>>>>| hat Microsoft understands the best is not C++ but 'money'.
>>>>>>This might be a godsend for Linux.
>>>>>>In the hands of a great software marketing firm like
>>>>>>Microsoft, Linux might achieve double-digit market share
>>>>>>much sooner than they would otherwise.
>>>>>>You Linuxers should applaud Microsoft for their efforts
>>>>>>to further your agenda and help you realize your dreams
>>>>>>of world dominance.
>>>>>>Yea Microsoft.
>>>>>Linux must be Microsofts next operating system then.
>>>>A fast lane to Singularity? BSD/Linux with Wine and without GNU tools?
>>>Oh, I'm sure Ballmer will figure it out somehow.
>> He's a businessman, not a technical guy like Gates and Allchin. All he can
>> do is shout "marketers, marketers, marketers"... or "advertisers,
>> advertisers, advertisers"... even "bloggers, bloggers, bloggers" (they are
>> currently buying people from the Open Source world as well, which is
>> scary) and "shills, astroturfers, Munchkins". I am quite serious about
>> this... as a businessman, Ballmer sees opportunity in the form of
>> marketing (assuming that best product does not always win, based on
>> history's lessons). He doesn't see technical merit as much of a priority.
>> Never have. All these scare tactic with the OEM's are marketing pushed to
>> (probably illegal) extremity. How could he thrive within this government
>> that turned a blind eye and force governments overseas to comply in order
>> to interoperate (using closed formats/protocols).
> Yeup.  Ballmer has spent far too much time at personal seminars.  :-))

Surely the wrong ones. He never attended Anger Management 101.

                        ~~ Kind greetings and happy holidays!

Roy S. Schestowitz      |    GPL'd 3-D Othello: http://othellomaster.com
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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