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__/ [Sig Sauer] on Friday 10 February 2006 01:26 \__

>  My boss' frustration with keeping Windows internet connected machines
> clean of bugs finally came to a head and erupted..... All over the desktop
> of one of his junior doctor's desktops in the form of porn. One of the
> office girls went to place an order for contact lenses from a supplier and
> got a whopping eyeful of a very large, and very angry penis when she
> opened IE.
>    I work for a large eye care provider. Multiple locations in 2
> states. The logistics of keeping the Windows internet connected machines
> clean is a major, and expensive chore. My persistant prodding finally paid
> off with the OK to install Linux on all machines connected to the
> internet. OpenOffice will take the place of MS Office. He is letting me
> choose the distro. I will probably use Mandriva 2006. It is what I use at
> home, I have used Mandrake/Mandriva for several years, and it remains my
> favorite. Of course he had some basic requirements, one of which is Palm
> sync capabilities. :-) Nothing that Linux can't handle......beatifully.
> Whew, my job just got a WHOLE lot easier.
> So add another dozen LINUX POWERed machines to the business desktop
> community!
> Sig (the geek with the BIG GRIN on his face) Sauer

Mandriva 2006 is a fine distribution. I saw it in action for the first time
around 2 weeks ago. I helped a friend migrate to Linux, after a bit of
prodding. He has a 64-bit AMD processor and I mistakenly brought 32-bit
Ubuntu, which was initially installed with great success.

He did not want GNOME; also he wanted to exploit the processor. Mandriva was
his choice. Mind you, he never even saw Linux beforehand. It took him just
an hour to familiarise himself with GNOME and KDE. Understanding which
involves different distributions was not a hindrance either owing to plenty
of documentation and information on the Web.

Mandriva detected all the hardware perfectly and there was absolutely nothing
about it that could be described as unprofessional. Moreover, Mandriva did
things I was not expecting to be catered for without user intervention --
all good things by all means: automation of various setups, network via
router without setup and diallers. My friend was impressed and excited about
Linux and he dropped his studies to explore that new passion.

Thumbs up for Mandriva 2006 and great job prodding your boss, Sig. That
friend's parents, by the way, run a factory with about a dozen machines. He
is now urging them to consider Linux, so words and skills evidently

Best wishes,


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