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Re: $100 Linux Laptop: 150 Million Units per Year

__/ [ Bob Zwarick ] on Friday 24 February 2006 19:50 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Larry Qualig ] on Friday 24 February 2006 12:41 \__
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4292854.stm
>>>> "Professor Negroponte predicts there could be 100 million to 150 million
>>>> shipped every year by 2007."
>>> -> Could this be realistic?
> ...
>> He said 100-150 million, but being the initiator of these whole thing, he
>> must project some enthusiasm and confidence. According to some headlines,
>> he stepped off his role in MIT under a week ago. He will dedicate his time
>> to a project that could substantially change the world. Imagine the impact
>> on the diversity across the Web...
> And all the top posters ;)

I think I can live with that. *smile* Jeopardy-style life:


Speaking of which, Linux software tends to encourage bottom-posting by

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