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Re: SEO fraud scam alert

__/ [Brian Wakem] on Friday 06 January 2006 14:02 \__

> SFLL wrote:
>> I was cold call solicited by a salesperson from toprankconsulting.com.
> to prank consulting - there's your clue.


>> they claim to be a search engine optimization (SEO) company. they
>> obtained my name from my advertisting on google adwords. the first
>> salesperson realizes that i know more than she does about web placement
>> and that i was in fact working on signing a contract with another SEO
>> company. this salesperson turned me over to a very knowledgable person
>> that she called herself a "closer".
> Loser with a C.


>> been in business for 5 years and have over 9,000 customers. the closer
>> also quoted me prices that were substantially less expensive than other
>> real quotes i had received. these quotes included big discounts if i
>> paid in full upfront. red flags went off all over. how does a
>> non-automated company manage over 9,000 websites? it simply cannot. i
>> asked for references of which i was going to check out very
>> thouroughly. the promised references never arrived. checking the domain

9 clients, 1,000 mirrors per each for SEO purposes?

>> registration toprankconsulting.com was started in july 2005. their
>> website advised they are located in oregon and the closer confirmed
>> that fact. a quick check of oregon corporate records do not reflect any

Alexa rank: 112kth; Netscarf traffic rank: 1.8 millionth, which means that
they boost their Alexa rank artificially. Front page with PR0, which in no
surprise since their site was first observed by Netscraft in September 2005.
They are run by a large host which includes dodgy domains and are based in
the States.

>> such company. all facs considered it appears to be a fraud scam that
>> has just started. i searched google groups to see if there were any
>> other posts. none until now.  i started this in hopes of helping others

The subject line can often be the loudest alarm.

> I get people ringing me up all the time promising guaranteed top 5
> positions on 3000 search engines etc etc.  Occasionally I listen to
> their ridiculous spiel and then tell them why they are wrong, but most
> of the time I just hang up.

No SEO people ever call me... *frown*


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