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Re: Tungsten T to Lifedrive (data)

__/ [KevinX] on Friday 13 January 2006 21:04 \__

> Anyone had any experience of transferring data from a Tungsten (T) to a
> Lifedrive unit?
> Thinking of getting the Lifedrive, and shifting all my data from the TT to
> LD. Should I just name the Lifedrive as my original unit HotSync name, and
> press the button to sync data TO the LD?
> Is LD backward compatible?
> Any views, please?
> Thanks in anticipation


As a disclaimer/note with regards to (un)certainty:

I went through an M130->Tungsten T transition in the past and I more or less
know the LifeDrive and general migrations.

The LifeDrive should be backward compatible as it is only an enhancement of
its predecessor with the main difference being storage. Make sure you
synchronise your Tungsten T with the Desktop software and then synchronise
it with the LifeDrive, possibly forcing "Desktop overrides Handheld". This
would transfer your settings (e.g. shortcuts), applications (though some may
be incompatible or unstable), and PIM data, which will be accessible in its
entirety from the LifeDrive. Make sure you keep plenty of backups

Hope it helps,


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