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Re: [News] Lower Saxony Moves 12,000 Computers to Linux

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On Sat, 3 Jun 2006 14:27:10 -0500,
 Erik Funkenbusch <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, 03 Jun 2006 09:02:45 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> On the contrary.  Such a press release would be worth a *MINT* to Linux
>>> vendors.  "Look, see, so and so completed their migration on time and under
>>> budget and saved $x million dollars in the process".
>> Where have you been living?
>> http://www.novell.com/success/ (to name just one example)
> Oh, so now you change your tune when you find something you think supports
> your side.
> As far as I can tell, those are primarily server environments, not desktop.
> Lots of shops have put Linux servers successfully in thier system, that's
> not the same thing as converting your medium to large scale enterprise
> completely to Linux.

Why not try using the search tool on that link, click advanced search,
and select "Desktop" for criteria, then you can read some of the desktop
migration success stories. 

It's easy, go ahead, we'll wait. 

> Many of them are also Unix to Linux migrations. I didn't read them all, but
> I didn't find a single Windows to Linux migration enterprise wide.  Can
> you?  

here's a Linux instead of MS-Windows



Managing student laptops requires a secure and stable operating system
to protect against viruses, adware and spyware. Whitfield School
evaluated Microsoft Windows*, Red Hat* and Mandrake* before selecting
SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server and Novell Linux Desktop.

"As anyone in education IT knows, kids go out of their way to download
games and software which can wreak havoc on systems," said Alex Inman,
director of Technology for Whitfield School. "We considered a Windows
desktop, but found that it would be far more difficult and expensive to
manage than a Linux desktop. Novell Linux Desktop was by far the best


Not clear if this one is replacing MS-Windows desktops, or merely
beating them to the punch as it were. 



SAN FRANCISCO (LinuxWorld Conference & Expo)â??09 Aug 2005â??Novell today
announced that thousands of high school students in Indiana will return
to class this fall to find something new at their desks â?? a Novell®
Linux Desktop. Novell is helping schools across the state deploy
computers built into student desks, starting with 1,600 desktops based
on Intel* platforms this fall and eventually providing a Linux* computer
for every student in every high school in the state. Ultimately, more
than 300,000 Indiana high school students will have more immediate
access to educational resources and increased opportunity for
accelerated learning.


I suppose these guys might have been using Solaris or OSX on their
laptops, but....



In addition to its Linux servers, Novacoast also migrated its
workstations and laptops to SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and
immediately saved $50,000 a year in licensing costs.


Note that all of the above are about Novell/Suse Linux only, being from
Novell's site. 

> How exactly does this counter my statement?
>>> How, precisely, would anyone know if the company didn't announce it?  If
>>> such a thing failed after a prominent announcement, most likely the company
>>> will go quiet and fail to comment.
>> You don't truly believe this, do you? If you have no defence, just stay
>> quiet. The Scottish police forces were sure quite loud when their migration
>> to StarOffice was less than successful. They were 'poisoned' by other
>> departments, which had sent incompatible documents, before ODF was
>> standardised.
> That's government.  Governments are required to be transparent in most
> cases.  That's one reason so few governments take risks.

hence Massachuestt's sensible, and safe choice to require ODF rather
than .doc et al. 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


Jim Richardson     http://www.eskimo.com/~warlock
We have only two things to worry about--either that things will never
get back to normal, or that they already have.

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