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Re: QT/KDE based apps won't show JPEGs (except for Konqueror Web)

  • Subject: Re: QT/KDE based apps won't show JPEGs (except for Konqueror Web)
  • From: Daniel Buus <no.em@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 03 Jun 2006 17:56:31 +0200
  • Newsgroups: comp.windows.x.kde
  • Organization: RHESUS B
  • References: <447ffa2a$0$15790$14726298@news.sunsite.dk> <iY1gg.68759$iB2.9047@bignews4.bellsouth.net> <5484949.r9q45S2p4r@schestowitz.com>
  • User-agent: KNode/0.10.2
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk comp.windows.x.kde:39612
Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> __/ [ Jim ] on Friday 02 June 2006 22:24 \__
>> DanielEKFA wrote:
>>> Hey :)
>>> Weird problem here, which I don't know exactly when I first encountered,
>>> but it has survived to KDE updates now (currently at 3.5.3 (on Kubuntu
>>> Dapper (which was Breezy until yesterday evening))).
>>> Thing is, any KDE/QT based application won't show JPEGs anymore. PNGs,
>>> fine. GIFs, fine. Anything but JPEGs apparently, fine... The thumbnail
>>> previews in Konqueror when it functions as a file manager are all just
>>> ugly Windows-ish default icons for image files. Gwenview doesn't show
>>> JPEGs, it doesn't even list them. KolourPaint won't either. As far as I
>>> can tell, any QT based app refuses to do so.
>>> Gqview works fine, as does the GIMP. So, it seems, GTK based apps don't
>>> have this problem.
>>> I was thinking it had to do with missing libraries until I tried
>>> creating a new user this morning. I logged in as this new user, opened
>>> up Konqueror as a file manager, and voila, it shows JPEGs. As does
>>> Gwenview, as does KolourPaint. Hmmm... What setting in my ~/.kde folder
>>> could possible be the cause of this?
>>> Konqueror as a web browser has no shortcomings, all JPEGs work fine
>>> here.
>>> Any input?
>> I have had KDE built without support for gif's. That was due to the
>> support not being built in to Qt. Could it be that your Qt was built
>> without jpeg support?
> I was going to suggest it when I read the OP: check to see if Konqueror is
> set to display thumbnails for JPEG's locally. There are many options for
> previews with filetypes and such... reset to default if you are unsure.
> Hope it helps,
> Roy

Hi Roy :) As much as I'm pretty sure that wasn't the problem (as no QT app I
used would "eat" JPEGs), it's all fine and dandy now. Upping Kubuntu from
Breezy to Dapper introduced a whole new arsenal of problems, so I finally
decided to start with a clean home folder, and now I'm in the process of
bringing back my mail, passwords, contact info, etc. No problems as of
yet :)

Daniel :)

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