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Re: [News] Desktops Need 3-D; and XGL Better than Vista 3-D

__/ [ spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ] on Sunday 04 June 2006 09:01 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> did eloquently scribble:
>> Pixel abuse: the wonders of 3D graphics
> Indeed...
> As long as desktops are constrained to a 3D environment, there's only SO
> much you CAN do with them and keep them usable.

I suppose you meant 2-D. There are a variety of 'tricks' that can achieve the
same productivity that's achieve by pseudo-3-D. For much of the rest, 3-D is
just vanity. Until everyone has it... (think of a conference where everyone
has iBooks or a world where everyone has Vista and DirectX-enabled wafer).

> When we start getting holographic displayed, then the 3D or even "4D" stuff
> will start to be useful.

can the human mind at all comprehend and track 4D? I very much doubt it. It's
information overload, for sure.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz  
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