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Re: At home or work, XP goes out to lunch

__/ [ Linonut ] on Thursday 08 June 2006 12:59 \__

> Arrrgh, now I'm at home, and my laptop XP billybox gives me the
> hourglass on accessing a directory, when it was working fine.

Do this with a system monitor (task manager) in the background and see what
process (exe file) is to blame. Is that a network directory by any chance?

> Time for a malware scan?  No need.  I know what the malware is.  It is
> called Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Actually, it's much worse without it: Guaranteed pwning within 12 minutes, on
average. With most connection types, that not enough time to download the
pack. When my sister installed Windows XP for my mother around Xmas, the
computer got infected before it was even protected.

> Ye gods, this stuff is laughable.  XP usable?  Sure, sporadically.

The "easy to use" argument relies on the assumption that everybod has used
Windows before. I found Mac OS 9 _far_ easier to use (functionally lacking
however) and you should take a look at the number of people who successfully
switch to Ubuntu Linux, having /never/ used Linux before (and Linux is _not_
Windows, neither does it (GNOME) try to assimilate to it).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |   Microsoft's Counter-Supportive Evangelist (MCSE)
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