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Re: KWord: A Fine Replacement for MS Word

__/ [ Donn Miller ] on Friday 09 June 2006 08:42 \__

> Tom Shelton wrote:
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>I happened to have come across the following.
>>>Look at this proof that a transition from Microsoft word to KWord should
>>>be painless. Moreover, try to compare the GUI in terms of the fine details
>>>of the icons...
>> Not even close...  The new GUI on office 2007 makes pretty much all the
>> others appear plain and boring.
>> http://mtogden.com/~tom/images/office2007.PNG
>> That's Beta2 running on my system.
> Indeed.  I hated Open Office.

I can't say that I like it, either. Broadly speaking, I dislike all these
'office' environments, which remind me of the old days of Netscape when it
attempted to be everything for everyone (composer, mail client and so
forth). Sometimes I just have no choice, namely when being sent a document
that needs viewing or extending.

> In fact, I don't like Word Processors
> much, and don't have much of a use for them.  Time after time, I've been
> emailed a document in Word or Office format, and Open Office wasn't 100%
> compatible.  On Linux, KWord (or perhaps if there were a GNOME Office,
> even better) seems like a very good choice if more development were put
> into it (them).  I definitely prefer LaTeX/PDF over all the other
> formats.  A lot of times, I'm pressed into doing a very quick document,
> and MS Office is more than sufficient.  To me, paying a fee for a
> software package is no big deal, a long as it does the job sufficiently
> well.  But under Linux, MS Office wouldn't be an option.  I think if
> KWord could be improved sufficiently, that would be the WP of choice for
> me.  But that's why I run multiple operating systems in the first place.

Why not run LyX or Kile? The best of both worlds. Works fine as long as
templates are not strictly imposed and you needn't collaborate with Windopes
(who unfairly enough swap Office files, but refuse to handle LaTeX or
install a front-end).

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | UNIX: Because a PC is a terrible thing to waste
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