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Re: [News] Windows 98 Users Headed for Linux?

__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 27 June 2006 14:09 \__

> begin  oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Examining options for Windows 98 users
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| So while I feel your pain, I unfortunately won't be able to offer much
>>| help to relieve that pain. You are moving ever closer to a tough
>>| decision, do you try Linux on your existing hardware or do you break down
>>| and buy a new computer. If you do buy a new machine, do you pay the
>>| Microsoft Windows tax that makes you buy a copy of Microsoft Windows from
>>| original equipment manufacturers (regardless of whether you are going to
>>| use it or not), or do you find a machine on the secondary market and
>>| avoid paying the tax to get Linux installed directly.
>> `----
>>                                 http://www.tuxmagazine.com/node/1000202
> A low-end liveCD would be interesting.  Something based on the 386
> version of debian, with lightweight window manager, simple games,
> low-end browser.  Is dillo good enough?  It's certainly quick!  There's
> a lot of text-mode stuff which would be fine, if people were happy with
> it.  You can probably still find netscape 4 around or even netscape 3.1,
> but I expect that they would have security issues which remain
> unpatched.  Opera might be good, although it's not free.

It's actually free, but not Free. You can download and enjoy it without any
adverts. This transition in pricing occurred about 8 months ago, if my
memory does not betray me. You can still get widgets, upgrades, etc. Opera
is quick and not as resource-hungry as Mozilla Firefox. When I installed
version 8.5 it was a drag-and-drop job, under SuSE 8.1.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    England - 1  Ecuador - 0
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer ¦  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Cpu(s):  20.3% user,   3.6% system,  17.8% nice,  58.3% idle
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