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Re: Synchronizing my Palm question

__/ [ Kayla ] on Wednesday 08 March 2006 00:18 \__

> The cradle for my Palm 505 broke so at the advice of the store clerk I got
> a
> PDA USB charger.  I'm looking at this charger and no where on the package
> does it say anything about transferring from PC to Palm.
> I like the Palm 505 and don't want to buy a new one.  Any comments on this?
> Thanks
> Lori

The M505 is fine. I could definitely live with one and it often boils down to
the question: do you use PIM and some other fundamental tools? Or do you
require wireless connections, which you *also* have access to?

As regards synchronisation, why did you get a charger and not another cradle
that is compatible with your handheld? They are dirt-cheap on eBay, among
other places. These are quite ubiquitous. You could even borrow one from a
friend, temporarily, for the purpose of data backup.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate in Medical Biophysics
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