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Re: Forbes Columnist: Vista Not 'People Ready'

__/ [ Linønut ] on Friday 24 March 2006 01:43 \__

> After takin' a swig o' grog, John Bailo belched out this bit o' wisdom:
>> Linønut wrote:
>>>    "Worst of all, I can't believe Microsoft actually held this big
>>>    nonevent "event" only a few days before announcing another screw-up
>>>    in Vista. If Ballmer knew he was about to announce a delay and still
>>>    had this event, he's crazy. If he didn't know Vista was about to slip
>>>    again, then Microsoft is in worse shape than anyone realizes."
>> It makes no sense -- unless you realize that this is the week of
>> Novell's Brainshare conference.
>> So, basically some flak thrown up to deflect the media from putting all
>> the attention on Novell's successes.
> However, it's like trying to divert attention to yourself by farting
> loudly.


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