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Re: Multi-sigs in Knode

__/ [ Gordon ] on Saturday 25 March 2006 17:28 \__

> Is this possible? (Knode 0.10.1)

In my version of KNode this is not possible. However, you can specify a
binary from which a signature should be output (maybe this applies only to
KMail). You could, for example, run FORTUNE to get some random quotes. I use
a different approach to achieve this, which involves changing .signature
peripherally, ever 5 minutes.

*sigh* Oops. Hold on. As I re-read, I begin to think that what you seek is
the ability to have different signatures for different accounts or have some
signature choice in the menus. In KDE 3.1, I do not believe this is
possible. I have explored the options. I can't comment on later versions,
but I have this option in Thunderbird, to which I migrated from KMail last

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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