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Re: Why Linux is Easier to Use than Mac OS X or Windows

__/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 19:59 \__

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  wrote
> on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 18:56:31 +0100
> <e06knk$15kd$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> http://neosmart.net/blog/?p=119
>> In a nutshell:

There seems to have been a misunderstanding (other posters were misled too).
I did not write this. I linked to an article and gave the gist of it, by
grabbing just the bulletpoints.

>> * Easier to Get: It's Free!
> Incorrect, though the reasons are many.  First, one has to
> explicitly *get* it; Microsoft and Tiger are both bundled
> with the hardware and while they may cost more because
> of licensing, they are preinstalled; just turn on the
> machine and have fun (or have viruses in lieu thereof).
> I'll admit I like the idea of LiveDiscs but they're not
> easier than a preinstall; I'd say they're about the same
> if one counts preinstalls (just slap n' boot).  Of course,
> the horror stories regarding Microsoft Windows installs
> indicate that Linux is far easier to install than Windows
> but only *if* one has to *install* Windows.

See the reply(ies) to Sandman. You can have Linux pre-installed and delivered
home nowadays.

>> * Regular "Full" Releases
> No difference I can see.  Of course Windows' releases are highly
> mutable; it'll be interesting how Vista compares to the prototypes.

[sarcasm] Isn't Vista *the* prototype? [/sarcasm]

[still what="sarcasm"] Service Pack 2 was released many years ago. Why so
long before this third one? And why change of colours and menu layout?

>> * More Hardware Compatible
> Unknown.
>> * KDE
> Not related to Linux.  I would be surprised if one cannot
> install KDE on OSX, and there's probably a prototype KDE
> if not a full-blown KDE running on Windows somewhere.

Yes, and yes.

>> * Unified Installation Database
> Um...what does this actually *mean*?  There are at least
> five installers out there that I know of:
> - raw tgz (Slackware)
> - rpm (RedHat & derivatives)
> - deb (Debian & derivatives)
> - emerge packages (Gentoo)
> - YaST (SuSE/Novell)
> - yum (??)
> Hardly unified, although Gentoo knows what to do with an RPM and Debian
> has an "alien" utility.

Have a quick glimpse at the following story:


Installers in question, but the concepts could be generalised to account for
package management as well.

>> * True Out-of-Box Experience
> ?!?!


Don't ask /me/. *smile*

>> * Easier to Customize
> Unknown.
>> * Huge Support Community
> Unknown.
>> * Installing Apps
> Be more specific.
>> * There is a Distro for Everything
> Probably true, though I frankly wouldn't want to play "swap the distro"
> on a regular basis.

We all do!

With kind regards,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Windows all-in-one: Word, IE (for E-mail) & iTunes
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