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Re: 10-headed Linux Setup Saves Libraries

__/ [ ray ] on Wednesday 29 March 2006 06:05 \__

> On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 18:14:40 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ ray ] on Tuesday 28 March 2006 16:59 \__
>>> On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 05:42:16 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>> http://www.cio.com/archive/031506/tl_library.html
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | That was before Richmond implemented DiscoverStation, offered by
>>>> | Calgary, Canada-based Userful. DiscoverStation uses one Linux desktop
>>>> | to power up to 10 workstations, leaving only monitors, keyboards,
>>>> | floppy drives and mice subject to public torture.
>>>> `----
>>>>                 http://www.cio.com/archive/031506/tl_library.html
>>> We're due to have one of their four head systems installed at the
>>> Portneuf District Library in Idaho. This follows on the successful
>>> deployment of Mandrake Linux on the public access internet computers last
>>> year - a VERY successful deployment, I might add. No complaints in over a
>>> year, and a recent customer satisfaction survey showed universal
>>> acceptance and revealed that several patrons were unaware they were not
>>> running MS.
>>                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> Is this /truly/ the test for success? It leaves me with a bad taste in the
>> mouth.
> Heavens no! It merely shows that if it's properly installed it will
> satisfy people's needs and expectations (not the BSOD expectations - but
> the 'it just works' expectations the trolls are always telling us about).
> <snip />

Opinion: people only appreciate something if it fails and demands attention.
This gives a sort of 'reality check'. Otherwise, reliability is assumed,
until lost.

Think, for example, about a Linux user who switches from Linux to Windows and
suddenly need to handle crashes, defrags and Registry cleanups. It's totally
unacceptable. At home, the last time I reboot my machine was some time last
year. I have never done anything on that machine other than 'work', e.g.
browsing, skipping a track, pulling images from camera etc. No maintenance
has been required in a long, long time (since setup?). Everything is set up
to be a one-click job, e.g. backup entire hard-drive to external hard-drive
by taping on the script (one-liner) that resides in Desktop.

I often wonder: how can anyone be foolish enough to use Windows? Sure, Linux
puts us in a position of advantage, but why not help others too?

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Vista: as the reputation of "Longhorn" was mucked
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