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Re: Linux News Reader

__/ [ Harold Stevens ] on Thursday 30 March 2006 15:43 \__

> In <e0gnuj$ajs$5@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Roy Schestowitz:
> [Snip...]
>> Thanks, I have just joined. I trust your work, Harold.
> I appreciate this trust--now watch Usenet make a liar outta me, and have a
> full-fledged Alan Connor flamefest breakout there, just as you arrive.  :)

No worries. I have seen flames before, so I can handle them. I post almost 50
messages per day to C.O.L.A., but have just posted to news.software.reader ,
for a change. So far, so good. I feel like I already have some friends there
because I know Blinky from at least 4 other newsgroups.

The Usenet Improvement Project


Roy S. Schestowitz
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