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Re: Linux News Reader

__/ [ Ram ] on Thursday 30 March 2006 17:49 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Ram ] on Thursday 30 March 2006 10:01 \__
>>>Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>SNIP <
>>>>That's a good thing, trust me. Outlook Express is featureless and
>>>>unstable. Once you get accustomed to KNode, you will perceive this
>>>>transition as a blessing.
>>>>Happy to helps,
>>>Not true, OE does have some feature I miss and was never unstable as a
>>>news reader but I only downloaded text not binary with it.
>> I would have loved to hear which features OE offered which were
>> unavailable elsewhere, e.g. KNode or Thunderbird heaviily loaded with
>> extensions. Outlook Express and Outlook are not stable applications.
>> KNode, on the other hand, has only crashed about 4 times for me in the
>> past 2.5 years. I composed nearly 10,000 messages in that period of time
>> and will never expect the same reliability from neither Outlook Express
>> nor the O/S it sits atop and thus dependent on throughout its operation.
>> This discussion probably takes us off topic. There are entire newsgroups
>> that are dedicated to the choice of a newsreader.
>> Best wishes,
>> Roy
> As yet I have not found the extension or worked out the correct
> filtering for what OE did I like with a couple of clicks.
> The bit I liked was the way watched threads are listed..
> The selected thread turned red to highlight it, (I can do this with TB)
> when sorted on date it lists all the watched threads then lists the
> remainder of the group in the same window. ( This I can't do with TB, I
> have specify what I want from the view: drop down list.)
> Ram

I never considered Mozilla/Thunderbird to be good newsreaders. In fact, I use
Mozilla as a newsreader every week and I manage many groups therein. KNode
can handle all that is mentioned above, and more. I would invite you to join
news.software.readers as I have just started a discussion about this.
Outlook Express (even Outlook) is very notorious when it comes to
newsgroups. Some readers will killfile messages that contain "Outlook" in
the headers. There are several fixes and commercial, third-party add-ons
that are intended to make it better in terms of usability, I believe.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Disk quota exceeded; sig discontinued"
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