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Re: [News] Ubuntu+Enlightenment (Ebuntu) Project on Its Way

On Wed, 06 Sep 2006 23:22:51 +0200, Hadron Quark
<qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> On Wed, 06 Sep 2006 21:46:05 +0200, Hadron Quark
>> <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> If the linux code bases continue to branch at the rate they're doing
>>> so that some pimply programmer can reease his own WM or distro then
>>> theres no hope for any of us.
>> Unfortunately for your control-freak fantasies, there's no way for you
> Control freak fantasies? Where have I said we should limit Linux's
> customization features? Answer no where. 

Right up there above where you said it was a good idea to somehow limit
branching.  The freedom to branch IS THE WHOLE POINT.  That's how new
ideas get tried out.  It is the reason progress gets made.  And besides
that, the cat is _way_ out of the bag at this point.

> But leave it to the people at the desktop.

So your idea of software freedom is to give the drooling masses some
nice buttons to push.  Fuck you.  I'm sick of listening to people who
have no idea what they are talking about giving prescriptions on what
"Linux needs to do".

> Distibuting the development skills across 350 distros is plain bonkers
> to anyone with half a business brain.

A lot of things are "bonkers" to people who think everything is or has
to be a business.  Linux isn't about business.  Red Hat is about
business, SuSE is about business, but "Linux" is not about business.

If you want to say that Red Hat ought to limit their customer's choices
in order to make it easier for their users, fine, say that.  But saying
that "Linux" as a whole could be and ought to be operated on business 
principles is so braindead that it only proves that you just haven't 
bothered to think things through at all.

The reason there are 350 distros is the same reason Linux went from
barely working to being what it is today.  People customize things, try
out ideas, and some of them get incorporated back into the kernel and
into the "mainstream" distros.  If you don't get that, you have no
business commenting on the issue.

>> or anyone else to tell those pimply programmers what to do.
> If you dont, they often churn out shit.

Why do you care?  It isn't your time they are supposedly wasting.  They
aren't working for you, so it isn't your money they are wasting either.
I mean, just were the hell do you get off pronouncing on who ought to be
doing what?  How do you propose to carry out your ridiculous program?

>> You can take your fascist ideas and shove 'em up your ass.
> Fascist ideas? To want Linux stable and on peoples desktops?

To want to subvert the whole freaking reason Linux even exists in order
to make a fast buck.

 -| Bob Hauck
 -| A proud member of the unhinged moonbat horde.
 -| http://www.haucks.org/

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