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Re: [News] Ubuntu+Enlightenment (Ebuntu) Project on Its Way

On Wed, 06 Sep 2006 23:22:51 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:

> Bob Hauck <postmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> On Wed, 06 Sep 2006 21:46:05 +0200, Hadron Quark
>> <qadronhuark@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> If the linux code bases continue to branch at the rate they're doing so
>>> that some pimply programmer can reease his own WM or distro then theres
>>> no hope for any of us.
>> Unfortunately for your control-freak fantasies, there's no way for you
> Control freak fantasies? Where have I said we should limit Linux's
> customization features? Answer no where. But leave it to the people at the
> desktop. Distibuting the development skills across 350 distros is plain
> bonkers to anyone with half a business brain.

So you want the programmer police to go tell people what software they
can/cannot develop or can/cannot use?

>> or anyone else to tell those pimply programmers what to do.
> If you dont, they often churn out shit.

Well, I am sure you are familiar with shit. And just how are you going to
make people stop writing whateve software they want?

>> I count that as a feature, not a bug.  In fact, this freedom to do what
>> you want is pretty much the whole damn point.  You can take your fascist
>> ideas and shove 'em up your ass.
> Fascist ideas? To want Linux stable and on peoples desktops?

Uh, no.. you are fascist ideas are the ones limiting people to writing
software that you want written.

> Obviously you are one of these nutball zealots : so *plonk*.

That's funny... you calling someone a nutball.


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