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Re: Company Dumps .NET Software, Finds Happiness in Open Source

Tom Shelton wrote:

On Apr 8, 12:33 pm, Maverick <S...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Tim Smith wrote:

In article <qhvle4-72a....@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, AB <fardblos...@xxxxxxxxx>


You are such a fucking liar, Roy. Jesus.

Where did Roy lie?

The story he linked to is about a company that tried a PHP-based CRM,
and is dumping that to move to a .NET-based CRM. Yet Roy says in the
subject line "Company Dumps .NET Software".

And you obviously are lying as well. It is based on OpenSource.

What part of OpenSource do you not understand, timmy the liar?

What I find amsuing is no one seems to be parsing the headline

Open source SplendidCRM a sweet alternative for ".Net-centric" SAAS

The ".NET-Centrict" refers to the SAAS provider - not SplendidCRM.  In
other words, splendidCRM was a sweet alternative for Promero - a ".net-
centric" saas provider.

Which was what Roy was getting at. It seems that the M$ apologists wanted to muddy the waters a bit.

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