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Re: As Time Goes By, Far Fewer People Want Windows Vista

Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Fri, 06 Apr 2007 10:54:34 -0700, Larry Qualig wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 11:54 am, tha...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>> Larry Qualig <lqua...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> >> but generally he checks his data thoroughly,
>>> > Complete bullshit. He spams 100's of messages each week. He doesn't
>>> > check shit and he's even admited that he doesn't have time to check
>>> > his posts. Now you're the liar.
>>> Roy is acting as a news aggregator, not a journalist.
>> It's quite remarkable how often this "news aggregator" adds comments,
>> remarks and changes titles of "NEWS" stories to what was never written
>> in the articles. Quite deceptive. Others would call this lying rather
>> than deception.
>>> The expectation
>>> of thorough fact checking and editorial review is misplaced.  The
>>> fact checking and such is more the role of the COLA community.  This
>>> is a forum after all, not The New York Times.  His posts serve as the
>>> seeds  of discussion.  Yes, he sometimes screws up a title or a
>>> summary.
>> To me "screwing up" means that an innocent mistake was made
>> accidentally. Intentionally changing titles and stories to what was
>> never written in order to deliberately mislead readers is lying, plain
>> and simple.
>>> You may even disagree with some of his personal commentary.
>>> But I've never seen him purposefully lie (that I can tell) and I find
>>> his posts mostly appropriate for this group.
>> The Linux posts are fine (but a bit plentiful) for this group. But the
>> other 80% of posts about the Zune and XBox360 and other MS centric
>> posts can be done without and the group would be better for it.
>>> >> and he knows the field.
>>> > He doesn't know shit. He's a child who lives in a dorm room that's
>>> > still supported by mommy and daddy. He's never had a job, family, home
>>> > and has yet to pay taxes or earn enough to support himself. Perhaps
>>> > compared to *you* he's experienced and knows something but to most of
>>> > us here, he's a pathetic little child who's starving for attention.
>>> I don't typically jump in the middle of these sorts of personal
>>> mud slinging festivals, but what the heck.
>>> All I really know about Roy is what I've read here or on his website.
>>> Yes, he is a student... a PhD student with some solid academic
>>> accomplishments and published papers.  He is obviously a supporter of
>>> open source software and is active in the community.  His ability to
>>> sustain that level of activity while doing the PhD grind indicates to
>>> me that he is a motivated and capable person.
>>> When he gets out in the big scary 'real world'
>>>  of which you speak, I'm sure he will do
>>> just fine.
>> He'll do "just fine" based on what? Based on his being a professional
>> student his entire life? Let's look at this a bit more objectively.
> Yes, lets'. He's what, 22? That means he's been a student maybe four
> years. Hardly his entire life, I think.
>> Here we have someone who instead of focusing on his academics (that is
>> why we go to school isn't it?) he spends about 18 hours each day
> Proof, please.
>> posting several thousands of posts each month to some obscure
>> newsgroup. A single day doesn't go by where he doesn't spend nearly
>> every waking moment posting to COLA. Christmas day... most people were
>> doing something worthwhile but Roy spends 18-20 hours on Christmas
>> posting here.
>> Given the number of posts and the frequency of posts (hardly an hour
>> goes by without him posting) it's difficult if not impossible to see
>> time for friends, social activies and *real* life. Throw in the hours
>> he spends on his web-site, groklaw and his various other anti-MS
>> crusade outlets  and the total time becomes very substatial.
> How do you know he doesn't automate it? In fact, he spends so little time
> on it that he often fails to fully check up his facts, and frequently
> misspells stuff - and has said so, more than once.

He automates it? That is some pretty clever script he uses - even makes
bozo comments. Impressive. Or just SPAM.

>> Aside from the unhealthy obsession, one that most normal people in the
>> general public would consider to be borderline psychopathic, there's
> Really? Care to prove that?

It's fairly obvious really. Not everything has to be "proved". Would you
hire such a compulsive?

>> the entire dishonesty aspect to it. Posting truthful and semi-balanced
>> news is one thing. But intentionally distorting truth and facts to the
>> point of absurdity certainly doesn't give the impression that he is of
>> a healthy state of mind.
>> Let's not forget the paranoia. There's a "Microsoft bogey man" behind
>> every tree and anything that's bad which happens in the world somehow
>> has Microsoft to blame. Anything he doesn't agree with is the fault of
>> Microsoft and all that's pure and good can only be attributed to
>> Linux. Oh yeah... that's real healthy.
> Remember flatfish and his obsessive dislike of Linux? Where were you then?
> Did you criticise him?

I cant ever recall Flatfish saying he dislikes Linux. He dislikes COLA bozos.

> IMO, Roy should tone down the anti-MS rhetoric, but so should the
> anti-Linux trolls stop slandering Linux and Linux advocates. That way, we
> might get better discussions going. If you're going to criticise Roy, do
> the same with the dickheads who have so often flooded this newsgroup with
> anti-Linux rubbish.

But arguing about linux is on topic. MS isn't.

> Young people often see the world in more black and white terms than older
> people. 

Proof please .....

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