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Re: Company Dumps .NET Software, Finds Happiness in Open Source

Tim Smith wrote:

In article <gOidnbzt1IVAxrjbnZ2dnUVZ_v7inZ2d@xxxxxxxxxxx>,
 Maverick <Sun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yes, to you.  You don't seem to be able to parse the fact that
SplendidCRM is .NET CRM.  There are 2 versions, one oss and the other
commercial.  It is written using C# - and though, I have no direct
evidence, most likely using VS2005.

And the one that this particular company moved to is the open source version... according to the article.

Yes, open source .NET software. Hence, the subject line, which says they dumped .NET software, is exactly opposite of what they did.

Which means it is not by Microsoft. Just in case you can't figure out what M$ means.
It all lays with the license. The article did state that they saved money on the license costs. It sure isn't a M$ license. Otherwise, they'd be paying thru the nose.

NO.  Dude, the whole thing is built on an MS stack - check out their
website.  SQLServer, C#, ASP.NET, etc.  In fact, if you want the sql
source, you have to use the paid version :)

I did check out their web site...

SplendidCRM Software, Inc. has released SplendidCRM Professional 1.3 and SplendidCRM Open-Source 1.3, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications licensed in part under the "SugarCRM Public License 1.1.3".

Looks open source to me.

That's nice. Irrelevant, but nice. It's built on the MS stack. It is open source. Those are *two* *independent* facts. Why do you keep acting as if the first (open source) implies that the second (built on the MS stack) cannot be true? (Especially when the SplendidCRM website TELLS you that it is true?)

Guffaw!! You can keep carrying your cross before you, but it now makes you look like a loonie.

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