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Re: Ethical problems for Larry Qualig, proven liar.

__/ [ Kier ] on Sunday 15 April 2007 12:04 \__

> On Sun, 15 Apr 2007 11:44:19 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Larry is a former Microsoft employee. Nobody should take him seriously,
>> esepcially in a _Linux forum_.
> What has that got to do with anything? He wasn't even employed
> there very long, if I recall what he said about it correctly. And he's a
> Linux user. He might well be an arsehole as well - he's certainly behaved
> like one lately - but if that disqualified people there's be practically
> no one here.

I believe he experimented with Linux, but he is not a Linux user. Show me
where he advocated Linux. Additionally, show me where/when he posted an item
that did not involve insulting someone. As the days go by (and the company
that he cherishes sinks deeper in the mud) he becomes more like 'Hadron
Quark'. Both are using made up name, which pretty much tells you that, just
like Gary Stewart, they are embarrassed or afraid of putting their identity
behind what they say. They take no pride in their opinion and it is very

Tim O'Reilly called for a blogger code of conduct last week. I participated a
little. This came after death threats were issued against a blogger. One of
the parts that I referred to was the issue of anonymity. Slashdot shrewdly
calls that type of thing "anonymous coward". I don't like it when people
wish to take no responsibility for what they say and they thrive in
electronic communication, which facilitates obscurity. This leads to bad
behaviour. The leads to anger, impolite language, and fear (unknowns are
never an encouraging thing). You can already see that I take a lot of abuse,
yet sometime you seem to defend the abuser. As I have nothing but respect
for you, this sometimes disappoints me. Sometimes you defend me, but
sometimes you blindly take their word, agreeing with them that I am "a liar"
and saying that Rex is "a nutter" (he's not!).

Let's try to encourage manners. Everybody will like it better. Before I came
to COLA I never saw any impolite messages. If they ever came up, they were
ignored or the poster told off. Coming to COLA was sometimes shocking, but
everyone can grow thick skin after a while. There is another way. Let's just
not descent to Neanderthal culture. Even Erik, who was rather polite last
year, has turned into a foul-mouth machine that targets people and takes
cheap shots.

It's very clear to see how the culture varies as one moves from COLA, to
Digg, to Slashdot, to Netscape, to alt.linux, and so forth. The 'peer
behaviour' plays a role, so let's set a good example and ignore nasty posts,
rather than feed trolls. When a troll gets a reply and someone ping-pong
with him, then it's like wrestling with a pig. Both are getting dirty, bit
only the pig enjoys it.

Take care.

                ~~ With kind regards

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