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[News] Linux Skills Getting Hot in Industry

Linux Certification Debuts Amid Skills Shortage

,----[ Quote ]
| "The industry is starting to take charge of what is important,"
| Lacey said.


O'Reilly has recently opened up an Internet-based school, but it's not just
Open Source, Linux, SaaS and the likes of them...

Oreilly School: On-line Courses

,----[ Quote ]
| As you might know I have recently changed employers. I am now working for
| ERE Media and they are strong supporters of continuing education which
| I love. I just finished taking my first course over at Oreilly School
| and I must say that I am pleased with the course. The first course that
| I took was a ?brush up? course in Linux administration (Linux/Unix 1:
| The Unix file system). I know the basics of Linux and this course
| actually did teach me some things.



Linux Professional Institute (LPI) and VCampus Launch Training Portal
Designed to Support Growing Worldwide Demand for Skilled Linux Professionals

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux currently represents an $18 billion dollar market, and
| according to IDC, is slated to grow to $40 billion in less than
| three years.


Spending on open source support services in Canada to soar

,----[ Quote ]
| The market for open source support services is going to boom over
| the next five years, according to a recent Gartner survey.


2007: Where the Tech Jobs Are

,----[ Quote ]
| ...open source and Linux skills are very hot. ?Linux is one of the fastest 
| growing, if not required, then recommended skills that most of the 
| sysadmins and operations people have," Melland says. ?If you?re a systems 
| administrator and you don't have Linux experience, you might want to seek 
| that out."
| [...]
| All this migration to Linux and open source means that job openings are 
| zooming. Based on Dice statistics, Linux as a recommended skill is up 51% 
| this year, and roughly 150% in the last two years.


Linux and Open Source: How They Affect HR Professionals 

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux and other open source applications are finding increasing acceptance
| in the global marketplace by small and large companies alike. Statistics on
| the growth of a few open source programs-like Apache (a Web server), Linux
| (an operating system), FreeBSD (an operating system), and PostgreSQL (a
| database server)- demonstrate this. This column considers why open source
| is growing so fast, and what it means to human resources professionals.
| [...]
| With the growth in the OSS marketplace, led by Linux, more and more
| companies will be using OSS as a portion of their IT infrastructure,
| particularly in the arena of servers. As more applications become
| Web-based, there will be less and less reason for people to use Windows
| or Macintosh desktop computers. Companies like NumSum.com and Writely
| (just acquired by Google) provide traditional applications akin to Excel
| and Word through a Web browser interface. Windows isn't going away any
| time soon, but its days are numbered. OSS is shrinking Windows lifetime
| for servers and eventually it may do so for desktop machines as well.
| And that should provide interesting developments for all of us to watch.


Linux jobs abound, tech job service says

,----[ Quote ]
| Online IT job clearinghouse Dice Inc. has some interesting statistics
| to accompany LinuxWorld. As of August 1, there were 7,000 jobs
| opportunities on Dice.com for technology professionals with Linux
| experience. This is up 35.6 percent from the beginning of the year
| and 55 percent higher than 12 months ago, the service reports.


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