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Re: [News] Company Abandons Pseudo-Open Source Licence

____/ Mark Kent on Friday 03 August 2007 14:21 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> ____/ Mark Kent on Friday 03 August 2007 11:34 : \____
>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> xTuple becomes second CPAL licensee
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>| I already mentioned this in an update to the original story, but I think
>>>>| it's worth highlighting that xTuple, the company formerly known as
>>>>| OpenMFG, has adopted the recently OSI-approved CPAL license for its new
>>>>| PostBooks software.
>>>> `----
>>>> Still, it's badgeware, so "open source" loses its value.
>>> I suspect that the OSI is becoming a significant barrier to the proper
>>> growth of free software.  I wasn't all that happy when the OSI was
>>> kicked-off, and I'm even less happy about it now.
>> Some Linux news sites totally ignore the "Open Source" phenomenon and I'm
>> thinking about doing the same thing. I usually check before posting just to
>> be sure a company has a FLOSS spirit and isn't just riding the wave, so to
>> speak (more and more of these every day).
> I'm still not sure whether Eric Raymond was acting in genuine good faith
> when he kicked off the OSI thing, or whether he was being a bit
> "anti-hippy" in order to appear to be more pro-business.
> I think he truly intended to make free software seem a bit more business
> friendly, but in doing so, I think he rather missed the point with
> respect to the lock-in and freedom aspects of floss.
Well, he works at Lispire now and he has not uttered a single word since
Linspire signed the deal with Microsoft. He has been eerily quiet. I wonder if
Carmony and the "Sunshine Boys" (as some call them) are sharing that wad of
cash ($20 million apparently) which they received from Microsoft.

                ~~ Best of wishes

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