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Re: [News] The True Cost of Windoss and the True 'Cost' of Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> What is the True Cost of Windows?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | With the recent upsurge of popularity in Linux based systems, IT admins
> | have been asking the question of the TRUE cost of Linux. What impact
> | does it have on the enterprise in regard to training, support, etc?
> | While some claim that the cost of Linux is fattened by a little extra
> | user training (a claim I happen to disagree with), what about the extra
> | administration and maintenance that has to be done on Windows systems?

I have stopped windopws support and over the past year have started
to forget windummy OS features and bugs sold as features.

Its amazing - loons have written complex and non-intuitive interfaces for
everything that is funametally simple (in Linux - these all text files).
The most blatant uselessness is its persistent inability to dual boot.
More than 50% of all servers are not windopws. Yet install windopws server,
and you lost all your dual boot functions. Thats not ok if you are setting
up complex machines that have requirements beyond that of yesterday's simple

Management of servers is another gripe. It is just a black hole when
it comes to information about what a server is doing.
Linux - just no hassle - go in with ssh and all your config files
are there to manage to heart's content.

Virtualisation is IT managment headache No.1. Windopws can't and don't
do virtualisation like you and I might do up things in Qemu.
Today you wouldn't work on live systems and machines if you can avoid it.
You would set up 10 virtual workstations and see it all working before
rolling them out on to the real machines and copying out individual's
home directories for all their personal settings.
With windopws you are forced to work on the live systems.
I mean for fsck sake! If those 10 computers are distributed over
the campus, who the fsck has days to go around to each computer
to 'try' out features all day?

Networking just doesn't work any more under windopws.
Most things that Linux takes for granted such as a working networking system
is simply non-existent. It takes weeks and months of tweeking
to get anything working properly under windopws.
100% of ALL windopws networking is now left in a partial state of
working order only.

That brings us to the final gripe. Its seems windopws is the great
quarantined OS. 100% of all that I know as windopws is now
protected by Linux boxes. From routers running Linux to servers, proxies,
filters and firewalls, there is nothing left other than dumb users
clinging onto their old apps running under windopws.

So I think its time for management to take note and shovel
windopws out the door pronto.

We don't want to support it anymore thanks.

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