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Re: [News] [Linux] Reviewer Claims Ubuntu Feisty Fawn is More Polished Than Windows

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Ubuntu 7.04 - Feisty Fawn Review
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Overall, is 7.04 worth the update? Absolutely. It is a mature, stable
> | and easy to use system. If only some of the closed source *cough*
> | Microsoft *cough* teams could get this level of polish.
> `----
> http://www.synergymx.com/page.php?Title=Ubuntu_7.04_-_Feisty_Fawn_Review/

I used the Ubuntu 7.04 Live this weekend because I needed to recover
someone's data from a dead Vista (yes, hard to believe isn't it, that great
Vista can mangle itself such that it can no longer boot).  The data the
user was after was fortunately on a seperate drive that had been kept in
the format it had been in prior to Vista being loaded so I was able to get
it, had it been on the main drive then I couldn't have recovered it. 

We did try from the Vista disc, in the hopes it would know how to rebuild
the directory tree, but the repair bit said 'No'.

Anyway, on the HP Pavilion, Ubuntu was very smooth, I only did the Live
version which is of cause a slow boot, quite a bit slower than my usual
Live Linux that I use at work and normally keep a copy at home for when I
need it. That wasn't available to me at the weekend so I got Ubuntu off a
magazine. Once up it ran very well.

After I got the lad's data off, I had a quick look around to see how well
Ubuntu had done driverwise. Everything was there, I enabled the wifi so I
could get on the internet and then went in search of any tools to repair
MS's new file system. They are a few tools that talk about recovering a
working system but nothing I saw for recovering a non-bootable system, but
then if the Vista installer can't save the system I don't suppose there's
much hope for third parties.

Ubuntu still isn't one that I would have picked off the shelf for myself,
but that isn't because I don't think that Ubuntu is a good system, it is
only because I like openSuse and Debian so much that I am unlikely to
change away from them, there isn't anything on Ubuntu that could tempt me
away from those.

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