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Re: Freedom of access to government documents

On Jun 4, 3:32 pm, Peter <nospamjy...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBas...
> "In a resounding victory for Microsoft Corp, bills seeking to mandate the
> use of open document formats by government agencies have been defeated in
> five states, and only a much-watered-down version of such legislation was
> signed into law in a sixth state.  The proposed bills would have required
> state agencies to use freely available and interoperable file formats, such
> as the Open Document Format (ODF) for Office Applications, instead of
> Microsoft Corp.'s proprietary Office formats."
>     ------
> In a democracy, one would expect the government would protect freedom of
> access to government documents.  But, noone really considers USA a
> democracy, do they?  This saga looks like another example of laws made to
> protect the wealthy, and disadvantage society in general and freedom in
> particular.

And how many other IT people are keeping their heads down, quietly
introducing Linux for servers etc and just ever so quietly start
positioning for adoption of ODF

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