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[News] [Linux] LimeWire Ported to Ubuntu Linux, Yahoo Messenger Webified (Works in Linux)

LimeWire Adds Ubuntu Support

,----[ Quote ]
| The popular filesharing application LimeWire released Debian
| packages for Ubuntu. The latest LimeWire release is tested on
| Ubuntu Edgy and Kubuntu Edgy/Feisty, and both the free and pro
| versions are available for download.


Yahoo Messenger for the Web

,----[ Quote ]
| A new Web-based version of Yahoo's instant-messaging application
| lets people use Yahoo Messenger on any browser and any
| Internet-connected computer rather than having to download
| it to a hard drive.


That's just why Microsoft tries to shove a patents-encumbered .NET into the
Web. It tries to stop proper interoperability, a cross platform nirvana, and
regain control.


What's next for Internet Explorer? Microsoft opens up (a little)

,----[ Quote ]
| However, Wilson did tell attendees that Microsoft is planning to
| require Web site authors to "opt-in" to standards mode when
| developing IE 8.0 sites.


Why Microsoft Silverlight Will Fail.

,----[ Quote ]
| My main reasons (And please, correct me if I am wrong):
|     * No IDE for me - The development path is currently platform
|       specific to Windows. Not even an open compiler or server side
|       compiler for Linux is available. Use Expression Blend on my
|       Mac? Not happening.
|     * No plug in for Linux - Even Adobe has managed to deliver it's
|       modern plugin to Linux users. I only use Linux as a server
|       platform, but with Ubuntu, etc making inroads on the desktop,
|       it's nice to have it as an option.
| [...]


Microsoft's Silverlight Promises to Disrupt Linux Web Users

,----[ Quote ]
| Just as it seemed that Linux users (especially 64-bit users) would
| finally be able to enjoy streaming content with a minimum of
| hassle, Microsoft's new Silverlight software promises to throw a
| wrench in the works. Because of sites like Google Video and
| Youtube, Flash video has become a common means of streaming
| multimedia over the Internet.


Microsoft's 'Everywhere' excludes Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| This browser add-on enables rendering of WPF content, but
| "Everywhere" doesn't include Linux.


ECIS Accuses Microsoft of Plotting HTML Hijack

,----[ Quote ]
| An industry coalition that has represented competitors of Microsoft
| in European markets before the European Commission stepped up its
| public relations offensive this morning, this time accusing
| Microsoft of scheming to upset HTML's place in the fabric of
| the Internet with XAML, an XML-based layout lexicon forn
| etwork applications.


Software rivals say Microsoft's Vista illegal in Europe (at CNNMoney.com)

,----[ Excerpt ]
| Software manufacturers, citing 2004 European Commission finding,
| contend the operating system violates server laws in Europe.
| [...]
| "Vista is the first step of Microsoft's strategy to extend its market 
| dominance to the Internet," the ECIS statement said.
| It said Microsoft's XAML markup language was "positioned to replace HTML," 
| the industry standard for publishing documents on the Internet.
| Microsoft's own language would be dependent on Windows, and discriminatory 
| against rival systems such as Linux, the group says.
| They said a so-called "open XML" platform file format, known as OOXML, is 
| designed to run seamlessly only on the Microsoft Office platform.


Vista to give HD Photo format more exposure

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft is looking to supplant the ubiquitous JPEG with an image format 
| of its own--and it's hoping the debut of Windows Vista will help do the 
| job.


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