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Re: The secret Iraq documents my 8-year-old found

__/ [ AB ] on Saturday 19 May 2007 14:10 \__

> On 2007-05-19, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>> __/ [ AB ] on Saturday 19 May 2007 00:11 \__
>>> On 2007-05-18, nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>> claimed:
>>>> ...But I forgot to factor in the ubiquity of human error, and of
>>>> Microsoft Word. It turns out the IT era really is different, after
>>>> all. It took my 8-year-old son just a few seconds to shake loose some
>>>> hidden history from within the official transcript of the CPA....
>>>> I don't know how Openoffice handles this---I just know that whenever I
>>>> open a .doc file in OpenOffice and then save it, its size shinks by a
>>>> factor of 4.  No change in the document I can see.
>>> It will do the same if you save it as ,rtf, close out (Bad)Word, open
>>> the .rtf again with (Dirty)Word and save it as .doc. Though the result
>>> will still be larger than the same file saved by OOo.
>>> All of the undo crap is there so MS can spy on users if they're dumb
>>> enough to send the crash reports to MICROS~1. As a side bonus anything
>>> gleaned can be used for blackmail or to undercut bids or other things
>>> done during contract negotiations.
>> Apologists would argues that it's accidental, that it's nothing but a
>> conspiracy theory, but we all know (or should know by now) that Microsoft
>> is holding secret meetings with the bodies mentioned by [H]omer. The press
>> does not cover these, but some blogs do. Here's Microsoft flirting with
>> the RIAA:
> Apologists have the age-old problem that usually comes up when they
> want to apologize for these things. If it was an accident, fine. If it
> still exists exactly the same way 2 versions later, it's intentional.
> We might disagree on the why of it, but there's no dispute about
> whether or not it's on purpose.
>> Music industry meeting could change the Zune
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Bryan Lee, corporate vice present for Microsoft's entertainment
>>| business, told me today that the meeting was set up as part of the
>>| deal struck between Microsoft and music business honchos, who are
>>| always wary of piracy... The meeting was supposed to take place "some
>>| time after the holidays," he said. It also talks about the future
>>| of the zune.
>> `----
>> Later on (or just around this time), a Zune/iPod 'tax' was introduced.
> Proof that the Zune was deliberately designed to waste MS's resources.
> There's nothing on this earth that's more fun than watching 2 old
> dinosaurs work so hard at committing suicide.
The company has just introduced a wider range of colours for the Zune.
However, I doubt it will make a difference. As I've said before, it's a case
of kicking a dead horse. Rebranding doesn't work. Just look at their search
engine with the ever-changing names, identity, and UI. They also have a
Simpson (limited) edition for the Xbox and Halo edition/mod for the Zune.
All sorts of gimmicks which they think is worth an expensive press release.
Remember signed by Gates edition of Vista?

                ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Ping this IP, see if it collapses" --Windows TCP
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