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Re: [News] [Linux] Inexpensive Linux Laptops Could Be the Future

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

> Is the desktop dead?
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The One Laptop Per Child program, which will be a free software
> | flagship, is ample evidence of this trend. It is self-contained. Imagine
> | trying to set up a One Tower Case, plus One Monitor, and also, One
> | Keyboard, Mouse and Assorted Cables, Per Child program. Just trying to
> | write it all down would be bad enough, but the delivery logistics would
> | suddenly become horrific.

Here's the ironic thing.

The kids who are getting the XO machines are getting the machine I have
wanted for years -- a lightweight, no frills portable machine, that is
optimized for text and writing, with wireless, and one that I could take
camping (hand crank) or on a bike trip, etc.

So, with all the "access" to money and technology and online companies -- I
can't buy anything like the OX!

Sucks being in the First World...

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