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[News] [Rival] RIAA Dilamma = Microsoft Dilemma: Suing Your Own Customers

Six things that need to change

,----[ Quote ]
| 1) The RIAA's war on its customers
| This one has been going on so long as to almost be accepted. Of
| course, that's their plan. The vast amount of money being poured
| into lawyers, lobbyists, and scare tactics by the RIAA would have
| been more than enough to rework their long-deceased business model
| into something for the next generation. For an industry that was
| built upon pushing the envelope, they certainly can't seem to
| think outside the CD case. The heavy lobbying in Florida that
| has resulted in the used CD market there receiving stricter
| controls than the gun market is just one tiny example.


Guess who else lobbied in Florida? Microsoft's own thugs.

Music piracy crackdown nets college kids

,----[ Quote ]
| Barg's parents paid the $3,000 settlement. Without their help, "I don't
| know what I would have done. I'm only 20 years old," she said.


People who use Linux are usually Microsoft clients as well.

Microsoft and RIAA. Perfect greedy match, trying to keep emerging technology
dead. These two are even flirting, as shown below. And look at the outcome.


Music industry meeting could change the Zune

,----[ Quote ]
| Bryan Lee, corporate vice present for Microsoft's entertainment
| business, told me today that the meeting was set up as part of the
| deal struck between Microsoft and music business honchos, who are
| always wary of piracy... The meeting was supposed to take place "some
| time after the holidays," he said. It also talks about the future
| of the zune.


Microsoft may pay Zune tax twice

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's private deal with Universal Music to pay the record
| label a voluntary royalty of $1 for every Zune player it sells
| has raised eyebrows across both the technology and music
| industries. But it might not be the last payment Redmond owes
| from Zune, we've discovered.


Universal to seek money for each iPod sold

,----[ Quote ]
| "It would be a nice idea. We have a negotiation coming up not too
| far. I don't see why we wouldn't do that... but maybe not in the
| same way," Morris said. His "same way" comment is a reference tot
| he Zune, which Universal already gets $1 from after signing a deal
| with Microsoft.


A Legitimate Reason to Hate the Zune (And Microsoft Too)

,----[ Quote ]
| Here's the situation: Microsoft has agreed to pay a portion of
| the profits from the sales of the Zune to a record company
| (Universal) because the Zune will undoubtedly be used to 
| store unpurchased songs.
| [...]
| Here it is important to remember a few simple things. The
| money goes to the Universal, not to the artists. 
| [...]
| Microsoft's move sets a bad precedent and turns all consumers into
| thieves without evidence.


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