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Re: developers don't want GPL 3 says MS paid for study ..

__/ [ Peter Köhlmann ] on Wednesday 23 May 2007 00:36 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ Doug Mentohl ] on Tuesday 22 May 2007 18:43 \__
>>> 'A study (PDF) funded by Microsoft .. concludes that open-source
>>> software developers don't want the GPL 3 to impose extensive patent
>>> licensing requirements or prevent agreements like the controversial
>>> cross-licensing deal between Novell and Microsoft'
>>> http://snipurl.com/1lkla
>>> 'A Developers Bill of Rights: What Open Source Developers Want in a
>>> Software License'
>>> 'open source developers are also affected, but have been significantly
>>> under-represented in the discussion. In this paper, our objective was to
>>> give developers a voice and bring their opinions into the debate'
>>> 'We sent out 354 emails .. we received 34 responses for a response rate
>>> of 11%'
>>> http://www.key-inc.com/developers.pdf
>> So, after having all their lobbyists lie to the media they do a 'survey'?
>> Guess what? OpenLogic did a survey some time ago and developers love
>> GPLv3.
> Actually, no, they don't.
> Linus Torvalds as quite outspoken against it. As are the majority of kernel
> maintainers.
> For the foreseeable future the linux kernel will be GPL2
>> Microsoft's recent legal attack was driven by the last straw, which
>> it said was GPLv3. It's the check mate.
> Actually, no, I don't think so. GPL3 in its current form is simply
> unacceptable to quite a lot of linux developers.
> For my own part I would never release anything under GPL3, I would use GPL2
> *without* the "or later" clause to prohibit ever releasing it under GPL3

The latest from Cox and Torvalds involved and sang a different tune though.
Also, Sun could pressure them further.

                ~~ Best regards

Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Ping this IP, see if it collapses" --Windows TCP
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU is Not UNIX  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
roy      pts/6                         Tue May 22 15:34 - 15:34  (00:00)    
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