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Re: [News] [] Microsoft "The RIAA of Operating Systems"? There's a Solution

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Sorting through rubble after Microsoft's Linux patent bombshell
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Instead of slaughtering open source with patent lawsuits, injunctions
> | and damage claims, it appears the goal is to milk, or bleed, open
> | source software companies through licensing, and indemnification
> | deals. You can't say there's anything secret or hidden about 
> | that strategy.
> `----
> http://www.networkworld.com/newsletters/linux/2007/0521linux1.html
> A call to action against Microsoft's open source threats
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft's legal war chest is greater than the gross national products
> | of numerous nations. They can, at will, become the RIAA of the
> | operating system and user software worlds. 
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | My strong suggestion is a very easy one, if you believe that it's time for 
> | Microsoft to put up or shut up: Make your own Linux distro and publish it.
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | /* My name is <your name here> and I'm a Linux Distribution Maker. Sue me.
> |
> | Then publish it; send the info to distrowatch.com. You'll get no money for 
> | it, but you'll be one of a few million people for Microsoft to sue. Since 
> | they'll be forced to stop making innovative software and spend money on 
> | litigation, quality will suffer for a little while. Then it will get better 
> | again. 
> `----
> http://www.linuxworld.com/columnists/2007/052107henderson.html
No need to create a distro, though it is very easy to remaster a
LiveCDrom, instructions are on several of the 310 distros at

There are a purported 228 patents in the cited report, which have not
been proven in court to infringe in any way.  Microsoft pulled it and
warped it out of context for the FUD factor in the stupid, biased,  press.

Only 45 of those unproven patents are alleged to exist in the Linux
kernel.  The rest are alleged to be in Open Source applications.  Like
Linus Torvalds says, if Microsoft really wanted us to take any action on
their threats, they would disclose the specifics, and we would write
them out, or re-write the code, immediately!

Microsoft = SCO in the alienation of their customers.  Most individuals
are fair minded, and abhor dealing with a multiple convicted felon, and
are quiting Microsoft in droves.  Yes, over 200 million users of the
Internet are running GNU/Linux.  Another equal amount run the *BSDs
which includes Mac OS X.

Can you spell 'shrinking user base'?  ME II (Vista) really put the stop
to M$ in much of the world market.

You are known by the company you keep.  All spam, virus, and malware is
spread from M$ computers.  Why do you think "114,000 Microsoft Virus
Definitions" is the target for so much effort by "Microsoft Trusted
Partners", who pay millions for the privilege of being part of the

Get http://pclinuxos.com or http://www.mepis.org or http://ubuntu.org to
experience true freedom and upto 50X faster speeds in your system(s)!

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