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Re: [News] European Commission Yet to Respond to a Microsoft Embargo Proposal

On 2008-04-25, DFS <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Mark Kent wrote:
>>> Well, yeah... but don't forget that Microsoft has some insiders in
>>> governments also, so it's a corrupt game of money and influence.
> Prove it Spamowitz.
>> I wrote another note suggesting that the EU market should be
>> segmented, and that Microsoft should be prevented from even tendering
>> until they could be shown to have a <49% share of all of the
>> necessary markets.
>> I think that the idea is a very good one, and the EU should give it
>> some air-time.
> Only a real luser would want government interference and control over the IT 
> marketplace.

    There's ALREADY governement interference and control over the IT
marketplace. The IT market as you know it would not exist without that

    Microsoft never would have been able to get anywhere if the government
interference you detest so much didn't restrain the older giants.

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