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Re: Roy Schestowitz - Too stupid to read or comprehend (was: Price of GNU/Linux Leads to Microsoft's Margin Erosion)

On 2008-08-01, Ezekiel <zeke@xxxxx> wrote:
> "JEDIDIAH" <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:slrng96raa.f53.jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> On 2008-08-01, Ezekiel <zeke@xxxxx> wrote:
>>> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:1959222.DF4UBmFg8q@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> The Anti-Microsoft: Linux, Open Source, Google and Apple
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | As far as the Windows operating system is concerned, Microsoft warned
>>>> that
>>>> | the introduction of OEM PCs preloaded with Linux, in addition to Apple
>>>> | computers, can also hurt its business. In this regard, Linux's biggest
>>>> | advantage is the fact that it is free.
>>>> `----
>>>> http://news.softpedia.com/news/The-anti-Microsoft-Linux-Open-Source-Google-and-Apple-91295.shtml
>>> For starters this article says nothing about Microsoft having erosion in
>>> their profit margins. The operative word being "CAN" hurt its business.
>>> Only a moron (like Schestowitz) would think these profit margins are 
>>> getting
>> The real point here is that Microsoft takes Linux seriously.
>> They take it so seriously that they don't want to be sued by their
>> shareholders for not taking it seriously. If Linux were as the
>> Trolls here say it is then such pronouncements would not be necessary.
> The real point is that *ALL* companies report any and every possible risk on 

There we have it...

Straight from the horses mouth...

Linux is a "possible risk" to Microsoft.

> their SEC filings to avoid potential shareholder lawsuits. Take a look at 


Nothing else you say has any relevance. Microsoft hires some pretty
smart people in this area. Infact, "business operations" in general
is where their real skill is.

If Linux really weren't a threat. They surely would not want to 
distress anyone needlessly who might read their filings (like
people who prop up their stock).


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