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Re: Proposal: What if We Started Flagging Non-SPAM Threads (Posts)?

____/ John Bokma on Friday 01 February 2008 00:23 : \____

> "Jezsta Web Productions" <use-our-email-form@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> thing of how this group is. Not doing anything and letting it go
>> without trying to at least start decent discussions will keep it so.
> Spam doesn't go away if we suddenly all start to post on-topic and
> informative posts. Spam goes away by reporting it. I've given up, more or
> less on that. The plan for spam seems still to be to filter it out,
> despite years and years of proof that filtering *does not work*

Yes, at least someone tried to eradicate the issue. Thanks, John.
> Anyway, most people here into SEO, if they had a long post on SEO, they
> probably would put it on their site. I would (but damn, posting silly
> posts on Usenet is so much less effort).

                ~~ Best of wishes

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