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Re: [News] [Rival] BBC's Windows-only iPlayer a Proven Failure -- Already!

[H]omer <spam@xxxxxxx> espoused:
> Verily I say unto thee, that Roy Schestowitz spake thusly:
>> Beeb confirms iPlayer streaming dominance
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | The BBC has revealed that eight times as many people are using its
>> | Flash-based streaming iPlayer than the desktop P2P version.
> Well *that* was a smart investment, wasn't it?
> Thanks MSBBC, for wasting *my* money.

Wow.  £100 million pounds spent.  < 400,000 users.

Well, I can't resist:  £250/user.  

Current BBC Licence-fee: £135 per household. 

Assume 2 people/household, then Licence fee is £67.50

So, it has cost about 4-years' worth of licence-fee/person to pay for
each Microsoft Silverlight/iPlayer user.

Another issue which has not been discussed here is the p2p nature of the
iPlayer.  It uses a similar approach to bittorrent, or skype, where your
own PC becomes a server for other clients.  My understanding is that
there is no way of controlling this flow, and it has a habit of bringing
the user's ADSL lines to a standstill.  A friend who tried it found this
out by accident, when trying to work out why his ADSL line seemed to
have been reduced to a crawl.  He fixed it by... killing the iPlayer.

There was no discussion with ISPs on this issue, in spite of the BBC and
Microsoft's intention of using ISP bandwidth as a kind of broadcast

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk          |
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