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Re: Desktop Linux Usage Keeps Growing Steadily (and Quietly) Every Year

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

____/ Rex Ballard on Friday 11 January 2008 05:34 : \____

On Jan 10, 6:04 pm, "amicus_curious" <A...@xxxxxxx> wrote:

"Rex Ballard" <rex.ball...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
That does mean that it is a failure or else things like the Zune, which grew
faster than desktop Linux by a wide margin, are roaring successes, too.

Good question.  If Zune had been released by a small publicly held
company, and had grown to that level, and had generated substantial
profits, say 20% or better, it would be a huge growth company.

The problem is that even if Zune doubled it's volume, it would only
increase Microsoft's revenue by about 1%, and profits by almost
nothing.  As a result, the stock went up about a dollar.

Linux has grown to about 200 million users in 10 years.  Microsoft
took almost 15 years to grow to that level.  Today, Microsoft claims
to have about 1 BILLION PC users.  That makes Linux look like less
than 20% of the total market.  If Linux were a stand-alone business,
it would be one of the hottest growth markets available.

Think about it, we have a market that has been doubling every 8-18
months, for 15 years.  Not a bad business model, even if it hasn't
taken Microsoft completely out of the market.

Linux has been nowhere and it is still nowhere and it is headed nowhere.  If
you have a notion to bring some excitement to the world, do it by creating
something that they can use with Windows.

Probably the better thing to do is create something platform
independent, that will run on Windows, Macs, and Linux.  Those seem
to get a lot more attention.  Examples include FireFox, OpenOffice,
Eclipse, Thunderbird, and Adobe Flash.  I think I forgot to mention
Java didn't I?

That's the only thing really being used today.

But is that really true?  If I can sell 200 million copies to Linux
and Mac users, for $10 each, that's $1 billion in revenue.  If I can
ALSO sell 200 million copies to Windows users for $40 each (to cover
the royalties on calls to Microsoft libraries), there is another $4
billion in revenue.

Sure, that's nothing compared to Microsoft's $60 billion/year in
revenue, but it's not bad for a software company that has only been in
business for a few years.

Rex, I'm amazed at the sight of you keeping so polite when these shills
attack you so viciously.

It is truly amazing.  Perhaps Rex is filled with the Holy Spirit!  ;-)

I applaud this, but frankly I don't think you should respond to them.

For most Linux regulars around here, that *is* the best policy.  However,
Rex is different.  As others have noted, Rex "spanks his trolls well."

amicus_curious (Bill Weisgerber) is obviously a long-time shill, so
you're wasting your time with him.

Rex knows what he's doing.  Unlike most Linux regulars here (who seem to
suffer from varying degrees of the infamous Stockholm Syndrome*), Rex isn't
"feeding" the trolls or hobnobbing with them.  He's simply using the trolls
as a platform to launch into his own unique version of Linux advocacy.  Rex
has really been on a roll lately, too.  Makes this more of a happening place.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome

Remember that Churchill story you recently mentioned.

Mafiasoft's paid2post shills are indeed whores of the "Beast from Redmond."

IMO, only 7 and Rex (and maybe a couple of others) are uniquely qualified
to actively deal with trolls.  The rest of the Linux regulars here who hob-
nob with trolls, argue endlessly with trolls, or otherwise continuously en-
gage the trolls, should recognize the utter futility of their well-meaning
endeavors and realize that they are completely pwned by the trolls and are,
in fact, totally enslaved.  Yes, they are trollslaves -- slaves of trolls.
(See Stockholm Syndrome.)

Like Rex, 7 is somehow immune to trolls.  Trolls hate 7 (and Rex) because
they can never "get" to him.  Now matter how much trolls beat up on 7, he
just pipes back up again advocating Linux ("in season and out of season").
7 is like a giant middle-finger in the eye of "micoshaft" and its trolls
who "asstroturf on behalf of big corporation" and pollute the newsgroup.

Rex, in stark contrast, is almost messianic in his dealings with Mafia-
soft's wicked Pharisees and hypocrites, who'd do anything to crucify him.

Personally, I would find it difficult to live up to Rex's high standards
of remaining calm and polite in the face of the Mafiasoft mob which holds
him in utter contempt and constantly seeks new ways to tempt or entrap him.

That's why all those lying, astroturfing, paid2post, Mafiasoft shills, fan-
bois, trolls, propagandists, and evangelists are killfiled and in the bozo
bin where they belong.  Unfortunately, the bozo bin also contains many well-
meaning trollslaves who can't resist being obedient to their Wintroll mas-
ters whenever Wintrolls set out flamebait for their obedient trollslaves.

Sadly, trollslaves are just too mentally weak to emancipate themselves by
simply hitting the killfile button on their Linux machines and disposing
of their Wintroll masters in the proper manner.  (See Stockholm Syndrome.)

IMO, the only time it is appropriate to view troll droppings is in some of
7's postings where he mocks Wintrolls with some of his newly-minted wacky
vocabulary, or in some of Rex's postings where he "spanks his trolls well."

For all the rest, life's too short to be an obedient trollslave.

"Fucking flatfish is a fucking pussy. I'm going to fucking
bury that guy. I have done it before, and I will do it
again. I'm going to fucking killfile flatfish."

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