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Re: Hello Jonathan Wong, Microsoft Technology Evangelist?

chrisv wrote:
> Homer wrote:
>> Stone Mirror spake thusly:
>>> mentally-ill troll wrote:
>>>> I'm not certain what makes a person reach that level of insanity 
>>>> but I'm fairly certain it has something to do with having an 
>>>> unhealthy obsession with foss and Linux.
>>> An unhealthy obsession with anything can do that. With some people, 
>>> it's UFOs; with some people, it's Microsoft.
> Perhaps you should lurk for a while, "Stone" before you get in bed
> with some slimeball liar kook.

I think you've missed the point. I think "Lefty" and Flatfish should get
a room. They can get very well along. Their both Microsoft Shills and
both are obsessed with Roy Schestowitz.

100% match!

>> And with you, it's Mono ... I mean feminism, or whatever your excuse du
>> jour happens to be.
>> So we're /all/ obsessed - you, me, everybody.
>> Great. Now that we've established parity in the obsession stakes,
>> perhaps you'd care to forward even /one/ good reason why any FLOSS
>> advocate /shouldn't/ be obsessed with Microsoft ...
>> ... right after you've justified "me too'ing" a long established and
>> dedicated anti-Linux troll.
>> Oh, and just to help you answering the former, I've provided some
>> background information for you, coincidentally related to your "UFO"
>> comment:
>> [quote]
>> Ideally, use of the competing technology becomes associated with mental
>> deficiency, as in, "he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and
>> OS/2." Just keep rubbing it in, via the press, analysts, newsgroups,
>> whatever.
>> [/quote]
>> The "Evangelism is WAR!" TE training brief, James Plamondon, Microsoft's
>> former chief Technology Evangelist.
>> http://www.groklaw.net/articlebasic.php?story=20071023002351958
> We're "paranoid" of Micro$oft, don't you know?  It's "insane" for an
> advocate of FOSS (or just good old-fashioned fair play) to be "anti
> Micro$oft".

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