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Re: TE cover almost gone, what to do?

__/ [news.losch.net] on Thursday 22 December 2005 21:11 \__

> Hi,
> My TE flip cover is almost ready to come off. It is torn about 4/5 off.
> I searched all the archives of newsgroups and googled the web for a
> replacement.
> I carry my TE in my pocket so I don't want a case or something large.
> I just want something like what I have.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Fred
> fredjan1234lead@xxxxxxxxx
> (to send email - get the lead out)

Have you considered buying a replacement?

http://tinyurl.com/b32ve (eBay US)

I personally don't use any cover. I never have (over 3 years). This seems to
have no negative effect unless your pocket is susceptible to hits or contact
with keys, money, etc. If you don't mind the 'shininess' of your Palm,
consider discarding the covers. it's a personal opinion, of course.


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