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Re: Roy Skankowitz = Paid Spammer

__/ [ AZ Nomad ] on Wednesday 09 August 2006 23:21 \__

> On 9 Aug 2006 04:37:51 -0700, Ricky Bobby <linux-sux@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Roy Skankowitz is water-boi for linux and do not post all day, all
>>night, every day and every weekend for nothing. He is paid spammer who
>>work for marketing company. He is paid 30 cents (US) for each post he
>>make and he get paid 50 cents (US) for post if somebody reply to post.
>>This is why he make about 2000 posts every month. Using average rate of
>>40 cents this is about  $800 each month he make by sitting in him room
>>and posting from computer.
>>All you here are suckers who think he is some kind of advocate. He is
>>paid astro turfer who lie and pretend that he support linux. Only thing
>>he trying to support is his wallet.
> Trying to win an entry into engrish.com?

*LOL* There were some good jokes about that site in dvorak.org.

By the way, I was contacted by Netscape last week. They want some content for
their new Web site. If I were to provide them with content, I'd earn money
for it. But I never did this before. Honest. There was some time around
April or May when, after a long time in COLA, I began posting copies to
Digg. I said that from the start and it was never a secret. I never ever got
paid for any of this, but this exposed many people to Linux, which is the
reason that I do all this...

Best wishes,


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