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Re: [News] Official PlayStation 3 Linux Now a Free Download

On Fri, 29 Dec 2006 13:10:27 -0500, Oliver Wong wrote:

> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:2204540.JlUYjKvXtb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> The PS3 could reach over 100 million houses within a few years, unless the
>> Wii (which also can run Linux) steals the show.
> Looks like the latter to me.
> PlayStation 3 Owners Trading Them For Wiis
> http://www.playfuls.com/news_8753_PlayStation_3_Owners_Trading_Them_For_Wiis.html
> <quote>
> people who got the PS3 and have been terribly disappointed in the software 
> line-up. The only game that seems to be doing relatively well in the ratings 
> is Resistance: Fall of Man, and that's not really enough to carry a 
> $500-$600 system.
> </quote>
> iPod and Wii undisputed kings of Christmas
> http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/8309/53/
> <quote>
> Apple and Nintendo left their respective competitors in no doubt as to who 
> was boss over the holiday shopping period of the past two weeks.
> </quote>
> Wii flies higher than PS3
> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=36599
> <quote>
> IN THE run up to Christmas, the Wii destroyed any competition from Sony's 
> PS3.
> </quote>
> Wii slaughters PS3 in holiday sales
> http://www.tgdaily.com/2006/12/27/nintendo_wii_sales/
> <quote>
> The final numbers are in, and in terms of unit sales, the Wii is the 
> unquestioned winner of the holiday shopping battle, with estimates claiming 
> that Nintendo's console is outselling the PS3 at a rate of two to one,
> </quote>
> It is hard to beat the Wii60 experience.
> http://www.itwire.com.au/content/view/8295/1092/
> <quote>
> With new value packs and the addition of the HD DVD drive for the Xbox 360, 
> coupled with the sheer enjoyment of the Wii experience, it may be that the 
> PlayStation 3 will find it difficult to settle into a market niche.
> </quote>
> PlayStation 3 kiosks freezing up ... on purpose!
> http://www.destructoid.com/playstation-3-kiosks-freezing-up-on-purpose--28860.phtml
> <quote>
> I'm totally confused at this point, completely stunned at what I'm being 
> told because it's the stupidest thing I'd ever heard. I let him rattle on 
> for a while, trying to convince me (and probably himself) that yes, Sony 
> went out of their way to have their consoles lock up so that the masses will 
> not spend hours upon hours basking in all its glory.
> </quote>
>     Now that the Christmas rush has ended, I went a couple of local gaming 
> stores to buy a Wii for myself. Unfortunately, all 4 shops I checked out had 
> sold all their Wiis, and had a surplus of PS3s just sitting around that 
> nobody (including myself) wanted to buy.
>     - Oliver

The Wii has hit the price per performance mark 
quite nicely.
The PS3 is over priced for its target market 
which is  as a game console. While the technology 
is certainly innovative and being able to run 
Linux is of course an added bonus the target 
audience is gamers and in my opinion Sony priced 
the machine too high for that market. Initial lack 
of games is also not helping Sony.

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