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Re: Google Computers - Hardware Coming to Town

On Thu, 05 Jan 2006 13:55:36 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>__/ [catherine yronwode] on Thursday 05 January 2006 06:59 \__
>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [catherine yronwode] on Thursday 05 January 2006 00:51 \__
>>> > Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> Google  could possibly pay customers and then borrow some
>>> >> resources  (net-work bandwidth is important) from them.
>>> >> Ultimately, customers would report back  to the datacentres. If
>>> >> they sell machines worldwide, this could help establish
>>> >> distributed, fragmented datacentres that perhaps act as proxies
>>> >> too.
>>> >
>>> > Think of something like the SETI screensaver / data-cruncher program.
>>> > Perfect!
>>> >
>>> > Marketing the idea: Google would give you a free mini-computer, or free
>>> > software, or a free network enabled phone, or free tunes, or free
>>> > airline miles, or something of "perceived value" if you let google use
>>> > your machine while you were online but not "doing" anything. The more
>>> > time you logged for google tasks (that is, online time you let them use
>>> > your machine), the more free stuff you would get.
>>> >
>>> > What a splendid concept! They should test this on a small scale in
>>> > Northern California. I would sign up immediately.
>>> That concept is becoming popular, but not among commercial bodies which
>>> must find ways to lure people to exposue of themselves. SETI just burns
>>> energy in vain in my humble opinion.
>> Well, that's an opinion. At east it was a pioneer in the distributed
>> computing field.
>Many innovative ideas tend to come from hippies and the hackers culture.
>I hope you can spot the sarcasm here. *smile*

More realistically it's Stoner Culture that does the heavy-duty
thinking, at least some of which is productive. 

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               Home of gifts so shiny!   

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