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Re: Games on Linux (was: Linux Wows Crowd)

__/ [ opity ] on Wednesday 29 March 2006 13:10 \__

> On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 10:16:51 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Would it be fair to estimate that among home users, 80% will not require
>> anything but a browser (also for Webmail) and an office suite? Games
>> apart, of course, but for that you have PlayStation/GameCube, whose price
>> equates to a Windows+Office licence.
> Games should not be underestimated. Games will steer the market towards
> linux. Linux is a better OS than windows, it will have better support for
> games if hardware manufacturers help.

There are perils:


But there is also exciting news and progress:


,----[ Snippet ]
| ...If NVIDIA continues in their roughly 4 month/3 week Linux release
| cycle, we will also likely see yet another driver set coming in
| late April or early May...

I could track down on article which I saw this morning (Yahoo, I suspect).
"NVIDIA will release their mighty hardware before the release of Vista" was
roughly the title. That's the best time to buy a Linux machine with a mighty
good graphics card. Games to play:

* Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory

* Quake 4

* Savage 2

,----[ Quote ]
| Independent Game Developer S2 Games announced today that it will be
| supporting the Linux community by offering Native Linux Client
| support at launch for its upcoming triple-A title, Savage 2: A
| Tortured Soul.

Among many more. You don't need 2,000 games on the shelf. A few quality games
will suffice.

Speaking of which, I also saw an article some day ago, which suggested gaming
performance on Linux will be superior. No surprise there because the O/S is
less bloated.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Disclaimer: no SCO code used to generate this post
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