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Re: Digg spurns Google for young Microsoft ..

On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 22:05:18 +0200, Hadron wrote:

> Jim Richardson <warlock@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>> On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 15:43:50 +0100,
>>  Kier <vallon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 13:57:21 +0200, Hadron wrote:
>>>> waterskidoo <water.skidoo@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>>> On 2007-07-29, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> You must see this in context and also realise that I didn't actually mean what
>>>>>> I typed. The trolls were posting a series of posts in all sorts of online
>>>>> ****Snipped to prevent further net garbage.^^^^^^^^^^
>>>>> That's what I thought Roy, especially after I did some searching.
>>>>> It's obvious that you have attracted some big guns because of your
>>>>> advocacy. I would just laugh at it because nobody could possibly take
>>>>> any of that rambling seriously. In fact you could probably use it
>>>>> to your advantage to demonstrate how far some of the seedier factions
>>>>> of this industry will go to discredit the competitor.
>>>> Just to remind you once again : it was Roy who was threatening violence
>>>> and castration. Not the "seedier factions". It shows his true character.
>>> And what of the character of posters like flatfish who made even viler
>>> accusations agaist Roy, and impersonated him in order to assasinate his
>>> character, posting lies under his name? Is that considered acceptable in
>>> your world?
>>> You can't have it both ways.
>> Hadron ignores them. He's got a hardon for Roy, not FF. 
> I don't think I ever saw Flatfish knock Linux. He pointed out the

Well, he did, often, and vilely, then went back to pretending to like it,
more times than I can remember. 

> weaknesses that he felt needed addressing. Yes, he did spend a lot of
> time debunking the lies and myths that the likes of Roy spread.

NO, he spend acres of time slandering people, not just Roy, and believe
me, he posted some very vile stuff.

> I bet he's done more advocating Linux that Mark Kent ever has.

Occasionally he advocated Linux. Then went straight back to insulting it.

You've no idea what you're talking about when flatfish is mentioned. None
at all.


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