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Re: [News] IE7 Still Tortures Web Developers

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 10:52:09 +0000
> IE7 still creating problems for developers?

The PNG transparency issue is interesting.  I suspect an alpha
premultiplication error.

> ,----[ Quote ]
> | For the last couple of years, we developers have been struggling with
> | IE incompatibilities while creating and testing our sites. Those
> | include the non-native support for PNG transparencies, the box model
> | bug, and many many more.
> `----
> http://devthought.com/ie7-still-creating-problems-for-developers/

43 bugs in one area, 73 in another.

None of these mention the misrendering of an XML file
containing <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";> as
its top element.  That's my fave. :-)  (The workaround is
to include <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="..." ?>
as a processing instruction.  Of course this requires
an extra fetch to the server and additional processing time
on the client side.  Thank you, Microsoft.)

> Related:
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | From:       Bill Gates
> | Sent:       Saturday, December 05, 1998 9:44 AM
> | To:         Bob Muglia (Exchange); Jon DeVaan; Steven Sinofsky
> | Cc:         Paul Mariz
> | Subject:    Office rendering
> | 
> | One thing we have got to change is our strategy -- allowing Office 
> | documents to be rendered very well by OTHER PEOPLES BROWSERS is one of the 
> | most destructive things we could do to the company.

As an interoperability/usage issue, Office viewing is great.
As a business model, well...though one might make the case that
the secondary effects would pick up where the primary losses
tail off.  "Gosh, that's a GREAT document!  What did you use
to create it?"

Risky, but could work.  Of course OpenOffice isn't all that
concerned about profits (but it had better work well if it
wants to be accepted worldwide :-) -- which for the most part
it does).

> | 
> | We have to stop putting any effort into this and make sure that Office
> | documents very well depends on PROPRIETARY IE capabilities.
> | 
> | Anything else is suicide for our platform. This is a case where Office has
> | to  to destroy Windows.


[assuming "do nothing"]

> `----
> http://edge-op.org/iowa/www.iowaconsumercase.org/011607/2000/PX02991.pdf
> CLARION CALL: IE 7 Not Ready For Prime Time
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Either leave your dog at home, or make sure it's trained better
> | before inviting it into my house to make a mess on my carpet.
> `----
> http://saunderslog.com/2006/10/18/clarion-call-ie-7-not-ready-for-prime-time/

The article specifically mentions "Globe and Mail"; this appears to be a
newspaper.  <div class="ieSubs"><a href="..."><img src="..." width="54"
height="44" alt="..."></a></div> appears to be the "comment icon";
I'm not sure I have enough info to figure out what's going on but the
first article mentions a fair number of CSS "floater" bugs.

I don't know what WordPress is but suspect a difference of opinion in

> IE7 Web Developers Nightmare
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | IE7 is a night mare for most of the developers that try to comply
> | with standards for crossbrowsing.
> | I recently needed to rewrite a web site so it works on firefox too...
> | the surprising element was that when testing the new and the old site
> | on IE7 I found out that many things does not function as expected and
> | "not function as expected" isn't the right word for it, it was more
> | a question of working at all.
> `----
> http://it-gears.blogspot.com/2007/01/ie7-nightmare-for-web-developers.html

IE7: 7.1% already, estimated to raise to about 60%.  Buggy monopolistic
piece of crud; I'm dreading it already... :-/

> Why Microsoft Expression Web redefines irony
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Expression is Microsoft's suite of web development tools slated to
> | replace the wonderful application known as Front Page. A quick visit
> | to the site for this tool yields a fairly typical Microsoft webpage.
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | WHOA! Did they not even listen to their own marketing garbage? 144
> | Errors! No DocType? Are you kidding me?
> | 
> | [...]
> | 
> | Bravo to our good friends at Microsoft for setting such a great example
> | and leading the masses to a more standards compliant internet! (and
> | for giving web standards geeks something to hate on).
> `----
> http://shifteleven.com/articles/2006/11/16/why-microsoft-expression-web-redefines-irony
> Wake up and smell the IE7!
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | The results of our study suggest that around 12.7 million websites are
> | in need of a little TLC because of IE7. Maybe even more.
> `----
> http://www.thinkvitamin.com/features/design/wake-up-and-smell-the-ie7

Um...why would I want to smell IE7?  It already looks like crap. :-)

I'd rather smell something foxy. :-)  At least one can
use a brush to Mozilla Firefox to comb out the tangles
if absolutely necessary -- though Firefox has very few
tangles to begin with.  (It could use some additions;
SVG anims in particular don't quite work in the SVG test
suite.  Not that big a deal at this point; the Solitaire
and Tetris SVG games don't need 'em.)

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Because a BSOD is just so 20th century; why not
try our new color changing variant?

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